Our group members have participated on 52th edition of EGAS conference.
EGAS is a division of the European Physical Society. EGAS conference is one of the most successful European conferences in the broad field of AMO physics, covering a wide range of interests from all fields related to EGAS. This includes fundamental physics, cold gases and quantum fluids, quantum optics, quantum information and quantum simulation, frequency and time domain spectroscopy and metrology, applications to astrophysics, plasma physics, biophysics, clusters and atom-like systems.
Nataša Vujičić presented work related to excitonic effects in MoS2 in the low temperature regime. Valentino Jadriško had poster presentation on novel technique for synthesis ofMoS2/Gr/Ir (111) heterostructures and Ana Senkić has presented her work on sulphurconcentration influence on morphology and optical properties of MoS2 monolayers.